Est-ce suffisant ?
Et si tout n’était qu’un consortium géant subdivisé en boutiques portant des noms différents ?
Mise en bouche

Le dindon de la farce

Ligue des champions
The Minor Leagues – The Pestilence Is Coming
C’est pour vous donner la pêche, et perso j’ai acheté l’album en précommande sur le site du label Data Was Lost. Si vous cherchez un peu, il y a un deuxième morceau en écoute, avec des trompettes en plus.

Orouni le Turc
“hi there! my name is baris, from Istanbul, Turkey. i met with your music by soulseek about one year ago… i was searching for something and i realize a user sharing a folder, named something like this “if you like leonard cohen or belle and sebastian, try this”… i got your demos, but i’ve got more than that you share via websites. i’ve got Back To A, Danish Country Waltz, Experiments of the Threshold of Pain, Green Blues, Social Abilities, The Lamppost (normal version and vocal mix), and the Spider. All the songs are very very exciting for me, especially Social Abilities and Lamppost. If you’re going to post-produce these songs, i’m sure they will be wonderful songs. I don’t know why i’m sending this mail so late, but you should know that there’s a person who likes your music in Turkey : ) I’m trying to send my friends your songs… Anyway, i hope you’ll make your first record (cause i don’t heard it yet). Take care!”
Attendez-vous à de l’oud et de la darbouka sur les prochains morceaux.